Wk 12 — Artist OTW — Heather Anacker & Krista Feld

Joshua Watkins
Nov 16, 2020

1 About the Artist

The two artists Heather Anacher and Krista Feld attend CSULB and have a studio/exhibit there. Their work explores change and growth throughout time and with different experiences. They also explore the idea that it is okay to be in the present because it cannot be helped.

2 — Formal Analysis

Their art style is one of using real-world objects to express their art, like how a plant grows and changes over time but is at a certain stage in its life at all times. Another example of this is the gifts they received from their grandmothers that they still use in their art construction but the story of how they received these items can be considered art.

3 — Content Analysis

I think what these artists are expressing with their art is that past experiences and family are important to them and shaped who they are today.

4 — Synthesis / My Experience

The part of the exhibition that resonated with me is the part where they talk about it being okay being at the place we are in the present and that thing always changes.

